Gender Based Analysis Plus

Table of contents

Section 1: institutional GBA Plus governance and capacity


In 2022–2023, CanNor continued to implement the GBA Plus Action Plan, which focused on the identification of GBA Plus tools and resources to support the Agency's functional areas. A CanNor GBA Plus Action Plan is expected to be tabled by the end of 2023–2024 and will define the governance structure to integrate GBA Plus into its policy and service delivery practices. As mandated by the Treasury Board Secretariat, CanNor elected two GBA Plus co-champions to lead progress on this priority within the Agency.


CanNor will continue to mandate GBA Plus training for all of its employees. Availability of data and internal capacity for tracking and reporting have been an obstacle to measuring this objective. No additional resources were committed to these activities during 2022–2023. CanNor works with Statistics Canada to obtain data to inform decision-making to advance GBA Plus goals. CanNor's results and delivery practices continue to be strengthened to better report on GBA Plus outcomes, including tracking of CanNor training. In its Data Strategy renewal, expected by the end of 2023–2024, CanNor will identify new practices to capture and manage GBA Plus information.

Section 2: gender and diversity impacts, by program:

Core Responsibility: Businesses are developing in the territories

Program Name: Business Development

Target Population: Northern Canadians

Distribution of Benefits:

Key Program impacts on Gender and diversity:
Statistics Observed Results* Data Source Comment
Number of businesses by business location in the Territories 4,189 Business Counts, Statistics Canada, Slightly higher than the 2021–2022 results (increase by 0.6%)
* 2022–2023 or most recent

Other Key Program impacts on gender and diversity:

CanNor leveraged both program data and external data from Statistics Canada and Women and Gender Equality Canada to address gaps and target investments toward sectors and businesses with higher concentrations of disproportionately-impacted diverse groups, including Indigenous peoples and communities, women, and youth. CanNor continues to monitor the impacts of the pandemic on SME ownership by diverse groups.

Supplementary Information Sources: Inclusive Diversification and Economic Advancement in the North Program (IDEANorth)

GBA Plus Data Collection Plan:

In 2022–2023, CanNor collected GBA Plus data through results indicators tied to the Departmental Results Framework and program indicators for business development programming.

Core Responsibility: People and communities participate in the economy in the territories

Program Name: Community Development

Target Population: Northern Canadians

Distribution of Benefits:
Please refer to definitions at the end of this document for scale anchor descriptions.

  • By gender: Broadly gender-balanced
  • By income level: No significant distributional impacts
  • By age group: No significant intergenerational impacts or impacts generation between youth and seniors
Key Program impacts on Gender and diversity:
Statistics Observed Results* Data Source Comment
Labour participation rate for women in the territories. 66.8%

Labour Force Survey, Statistics Canada

Population, NWT Bureau of Statistics

Slight decrease in the labour participation rate for women in the Territories compared to 2021–2022 results (0.1%).
Labour participation rate for Indigenous peoples in the territories. 60.7% Labour Force Survey, Statistics Canada Slight increase in the labour participation rate for Indigenous peoples compared to 2021–22 (2.0%).
* 2022–2023 or most recent

Other Key Program impacts on gender and diversity:

CanNor leveraged both program data and external data from Statistics Canada and Women and Gender Equality Canada to address gaps and target investments toward sectors and businesses with higher concentrations of disproportionately-impacted diverse groups, including Indigenous peoples and communities, women, and youth.

GBA Plus Data Collection Plan:

In 2022–2023, CanNor collected GBA Plus data through results indicators tied to the Departmental Results Framework and program indicators for business development programming.

Core Responsibility: Coordination of federal input in environmental assessment and Crown consultation during environmental impact review of proposed major projects in the three territories.

Program Name: Northern Projects Management

Target Population: Northern Canadians

Distribution of Benefits:
Please refer to definitions at the end of this document for scale anchor descriptions.

  • By gender: Broadly gender-balanced
  • By income level: No significant distributional impacts
  • By age group: No significant intergenerational impacts or impacts generation between youth and seniors

Key Impacts:

In 2022-23, NPMO continued to implement GBA Plus Action Plan. Given NPMO's unique coordinating function, it relies on the northern regulatory and review boards' co-management processes in impact assessment processes to ensure an equity approach and gather data; board processes are designed to consider all impacted parties in the review of a proposed major project. This includes seeking to ensure Indigenous communities and women are supported and adequately engaged and consulted during the review processes.

Recent implementation of the NPMO Database supports tracking GBA+-related information during impact assessment activities. This includes tracking concerns regarding the consideration, accommodation, protection, safety and well-being of gender-specific individuals, including impacts on women.

Supplementary Information Sources: Northern Projects Management Office (NPMO)

GBA Plus Data Collection Plan:

In 2022–2023, CanNor collected GBA Plus data through results indicators tied to the Departmental Results Framework and program indicators for business development programming.

Core Responsibility: Advocacy for economic development in the territories

Program Name: Policy and Advocacy

Target Population: Northern Canadians

Distribution of Benefits:
Please refer to definitions at the end of this document for scale anchor descriptions.

  • Broadly gender-balanced
  • By income level: No significant distributional impacts
  • By age group: No significant intergenerational impacts or impacts generation between youth and seniors

Key Impacts:

In 2022–2023, CanNor continued to implement the GBA Plus Action Plan, focusing on the development of internal GBA Plus tools and resources tailored to the Agency's functional areas. CanNor continued to consult with other Government of Canada departments (Statistics Canada; Women and Gender Equality Canada; Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada) to gather information, leverage insights, better understand the GBA Plus environment in the territories, and advance federal objectives.

GBA+ Data Collection Plan:

In 2022–2023, CanNor collected GBA Plus data through results indicators tied to the Departmental Results Framework and program indicators for business development programming.


Gender scale

  • First group: predominantly men (80% or more men)
  • Second group: 60% to 79% men
  • Third group: broadly gender-balanced
  • Fourth group: 60% to 79% women
  • Fifth group: predominantly women (80% or more women)

Income level scale

  • First group: strongly benefits low income individuals (strongly progressive)
  • Second group: somewhat benefits low income individuals (somewhat progressive)
  • Third group: no significant distributional impacts
  • Fourth group: somewhat benefits high income individuals (somewhat regressive)
  • Fifth group: strongly benefits high income individuals (strongly regressive)

Age group scale

  • First group: primarily benefits youth, children or future generations
  • Second group: no significant intergenerational impacts or impacts on generations between youths and seniors
  • Third group: primarily benefits seniors or the baby boom generation

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