Gender-based analysis plus
Governance structures | CanNor has developed a GBA+ Action Plan to guide and support GBA+ implementation across the Agency. A GBA+ Champion and officer continue to support GBA+ initiatives across the Agency, working with the broader GBA+ community in the Government of Canada to share best practices. |
Human resources | CanNor has 0.5 FTE dedicated to supporting the development and implementation of the GBA+ action plan. The FTE also supports writing GBA+ annexes for Memorandums to Cabinet (MCs) and Treasury Board (TB) Submissions. |
Major initiatives: results achieved | CanNor's suite of programs encourages diverse groups, including women, youth and Indigenous peoples, to seek support for their projects. CanNor's programs also support increasing the capacity of these groups and individuals to participate in economic development opportunities in the territories. As part of its Departmental Results Framework (DRF), CanNor tracks and reports on the labour participation rate of women and Indigenous peoples in the Territories. CanNor has developed an internal questionnaire to gauge staff's understanding, use, and past training in GBA+ to better assess the organization's training needs. The questionnaire will be distributed to CanNor employees and responses will be gathered and analyzed in 2019-2020. |
Reporting capacity and data | CanNor collects proponent-level information for all the following programs:
Disaggregated data for the territories continue to be a challenge, due to both sample size and survey cycle frequency. Statistics Canada has protocols designed to ensure privacy given small and widely distributed populations in the territories, which means data is not disaggregated to specifically inform the Northern context. CanNor has been working with Statistics Canada to improve data gaps where possible. For example, CanNor is working with Statistics Canada to, at minimum, have data for the three territories be combined together but separated from provincial data. This has allowed CanNor to access data on high-growth firms in the territories for reporting. |